Being and Becoming a Management Education Scholar

Charles Wankel, St. John's University, New York
Robert DeFillippi, Suffolk University

A volume in the series: Research in Management Education and Development. Editor(s): Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, Canadian University Dubai. Wolfgang Amann, HEC Paris. Hamid H. Kazeroony, North-West University Business School.

Published 2010

Being and Becoming a Management Education Scholar is a volume that is comprised of reports by the scholars leading the main research publication venues in the discipline of management on what it takes to succeed in academic management education and development scholarship, presenting perspectives on the opportunities, constraints and requirements of contemporary research in management education. Issues that are discussed in this volume include: the changing career implications of coming to be a researcher on management education rather than on management topics, leveraging leadership roles in management education scholarship and its venues including journals, book series, handbooks, textbooks and scholarly societies. The chapter authors address these issues through research grounded in personal biography, institutional history, and critical reflection.

Being and Becoming a Management Education Scholar: An Overview, Charles Wankel and Robert DeFillippi. Shifting Paradigms Through “Letting Go”: On Allowing Oneself to Become a Management Education Scholar, Robert Chia. Design and Development: A Narrative of the Founding, Launch, and Early History of the Academy of Management Learning & Education, James R. Bailey, William P. Ferris, Roy J. Lewicki and David A. Whetten. I Get by With a Lot of Help from My Friends: Reflections of an Accidental Management Education Scholar, J. B. Arbaugh. When Legitimizing Teaching Methods Becomes an Opportunity to Develop Management Education Scholarship in Negotiation and Collective Decision Processes Pedagogy: Bringing it into Action: The Narrative of a French Business School Professor’s Experience, Laurence de Carlo. From “Good Teaching” to “Scholarly Teaching”: Legitimizing Management Education and Learning Scholarship, Gordon E. Dehler, Joy E. Beatty and Jennifer Leigh. The Scholarship of Management Education and Development: State of the Art, Cynthia V. Fukami and Steven J. Armstrong. Relevance with Rigor: Stories from the Journal of Management Education, Jane Schmidt-Wilk and Cynthia Fukami. The Challenge of Change in Business and Economics Education: Lessons Learned from the EDiNEB Network, W. H. Gijselaers and R. G. Milter. The Diversity of Trajectories in Management Education Research, Charles Wankel. About the Contributors.